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  • Writer's pictureXeric Gardens

Keep it Clean

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

Realizing that approximately 1 in 3 people around the world does not have adequate fresh water supplies to meet their daily needs emphasizes the crucial need to appreciate and protect the fresh water supplies that we do have.

Polluted storm water runoff can contaminate our fresh water sources when it drains into rivers and lakes. Best practices in our urban landscapes that help keep storm water, rivers and lakes clean include:

  • Never applying fertilizers or pesticides just before it rains to avoid their runoff into storm water

  • Always sweeping up fertilizers and grass clippings from driveways and sidewalks to prevent their runoff into storm drains

  • Washing your car only where there is proper drainage that keeps soapy water out of storm water drains

  • Cleaning up pet waste in the landscape

For more information on conserving water in the landscape through Xeriscape practices, check out additional posts on the Xeric Gardens web site and Facebook page


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