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Get Paid to Xeriscape!

Updated: Feb 9

Do you know that homeowners can get $2000 or more to Xeriscape their property?

Many water utility companies in arid regions across the country are promoting water conservation by offering rebates to homeowners and businesses who replace their high water use turf grass with more drought tolerant Xeric plants.

In the summer time, up to 60% of water consumed daily by households is used for outdoor watering of landscapes. Yikes! That’s a lot of water. More than half of that water is wasted due to evaporation, runoff, over watering and poor maintenance. Xeriscape practices and proper irrigation can result in a 30 – 80% water savings in the landscape.

Instead of a large water thirsty Bluegrass lawn, use native and adapted plants to Colorado that can better survive the arid harsh climate along the Front Range. Replacing turf grass with more drought tolerant and hardy plants saves on water, mowing and maintenance which gives you more time to relax and enjoy the great outdoors.

Check with your local water utility company about rebates they may offer for turf replacement that will help you transform your landscape into a beautiful water-wise Xeriscape. See below for links to just a few of the water utilities in the Denver metro area that currently offer rebates.

Spread the word about these Xeriscape rebates by sharing this post with your friends. For more information about Xeriscaping and getting help with your landscape project, see additional posts on Xeric Gardens’ web site and be sure to follow us on Facebook.


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