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  • Writer's pictureXeric Gardens

So what's a Xeriscape?

Xeriscape refers to a landscape that can survive on rainfall and little to no supplemental water. The principles of Xeriscaping were originally developed by Denver Water in 1981 in response to water shortages. The name is derived from the Greek word “Xeros” meaning "dry." Xeriscape landscapes are designed and created with water conservation as a major objective and reduce water use by following these basic principles:


Plan and design a landscape based on the location, environment & intended use

Plant Selection

Select native and adapted drought tolerant plants and group plants with similar water needs for more efficient irrigation

Soil Amendment

Prepare the soil with organic material to provide essential nutrients, improve water retention and ensure proper drainage

Reduce Turf Area

Minimize turf areas that require a lot of water, mowing and maintenance, and replace them with attractive, drought tolerant native and adapted plants


Install efficient drip irrigation with programmable timers or smart controllers


Mulch around plants to retain moisture and help prevent weed growth


Care for plants with proper watering, fertilizing, pruning and pest control. Once established, plants will require less water & maintenance

For more information about Xeriscaping and getting help with your landscape project, see additional posts on Xeric Gardens’ web site and be sure to follow us on Facebook.


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