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  • Writer's pictureXeric Gardens

Xeriscape Installation Checklist

Before breaking ground on your landscape project, be sure to have your design plan approved by your HOA, if you have one, and your local municipality if required. Also, check the application requirements for any turf replacement rebate available to you.


  1. Get HOA approval – if you have an HOA, submit an application for your project approval along with your design plan o   Highlands Ranch homeowners can apply on the HRCA web site:

  2. Turf replacement rebate programs o   Applying for these programs will require a design plan and one that is HOA approved, if you have an HOA o   Pre-installation inspection by the rebate provider is required to verify what is being replaced is eligible for a rebate o   Check with your local water utility or municipality for any rebate programs they offer.  Some have a limited yearly budget and number of applications they can accept each year so apply early: * Centennial Water – * Aurora Water –  * Castle Rock Water –

  3. Schedule your installation with our landscaper who will provide a quote for the installation of your project before work begins: Jorge Romero 580-740-5312

Post Installation:

  1. Schedule post installation inspections where required o   Provider of turf replacement rebate program o   HOA o   Local Municipality

  2. Irrigation Systems o   Drip lines and the irrigation system controller will be configured during installation o   Our landscaper will explain how to operate your irrigation system controller so you can make adjustments as needed o   Periodically check the soil moisture around plants to ensure the soil is evenly moist and not saturated or dried out.  The watering schedule may need to be adjusted and the drip emitters checked for clogs or damage o   Plants will require more water when first planted and less once established when the watering schedule should be adjusted.   o   See the "Caring for Your Xeriscape" document attached below and on the Blog page of our web site 

  3. Contact Xeric Gardens for any questions about or help with maintaining and enjoying your beautiful new water-wise and eco-friendly landscape!



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